-=Twin Peaks Complete=-

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The Twin Peaks FAQ

alt.tv.twin-peaks FAQ

If you are new here then let me first of all welcome you
to the alt.tv.twin-peaks newsgroup! This is a great place to
discuss Twin Peaks with fellow fans from around the world.
You probably can't wait to get started, but before you do
please, out of courtesy to the group, take the time and read
this FAQ. Thanks.

Twin Peaks is, which you will find out, is a unique and truly
great newsgroup with lots of remarkable people with much
knowledge on Twin Peaks, a big dose of creativity and above
all a great sense of humour! :-)

New people are always, always!, welcome to the NG. If you try
the best you can to follow these three simple "rules":

1. Be nice.
"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
2. Respect other peoples opinions and theorys.
"A man is getting along on the road to wisdom when he
begins to realize that his opinion is just an opinion."
3. Have fun! :-)

Spam, unsolicited advertising, is NOT welcome! With the ONLY
exception being advertising for Twin Peaks-related products.
Write FS (for sale) in the beginning of your subject-line.


Short Q & A:

Q: What is Twin Peaks?
A: Twin Peaks is a television series that ran on the ABC
network in the US, and later in nearly every other
country. In the US, it ran two "seasons" (from April 1990
through June 1991). Part murder mystery, part soap opera
spoof, part comedy, part supernatural drama, and part
homage to classic movies and other cultural icons, TP is
completely entertaining and engaging, filled with images,
music, mood, and characters unlike any you've seen before
(or since) on television.

Q: What does the whole Fire walk with me-poem read?
A: "Through the darkness of future past
the magician longs to see
one chants out between two worlds
'Fire walk with me.'"
Though there are discussions wether or not the word chants
should be replaced with chance. There are things supporting
both words.

You can get answer to lots and lots of other questions
you might have at Twin Peaks Online - The Twin Peaks FAQ


Ultra-Brief Twin Peaks Episode Guide

Pilot. An FBI agent and a sheriff investigate the murder of
a homecoming queen in a Pacific Northwest town.

1. Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman learn more about Laura's
life; Catherine plots to take over the sawmill.

2. Cooper demonstrates deductive prowess; Bobby and Mike are
released from jail; Donna and James proclaim their love.

3. The town gathers for Laura's funeral; Cooper ponders his
dream; Truman tells him about the Bookhouse boys.

4. Cooper and Truman track down the one-armed man; Audrey
begins her own investigation.

5. Truman and Cooper discover a macabre scene in the woods;
Hank gets out of prison; Audrey goes to work for her father.

6. Cooper and the Bookhouse boys visit One-Eyed Jack's; Jacoby
receives a phone call from Laura Palmer.

7. Dr. Jacoby heads for his rendezvous; Cooper and Truman make
an arrest; Catherine and Shelly are trapped.

8. Cooper has visions; Audrey is taken prisoner; Donna receives
a strange message; Ronette relives Laura's murder.

9. Cooper gets help and unwanted news; Audrey gets in deeper;
Donna arranges to meet a stranger; Leland makes a horrifying

10. Donna visits a friend of Laura's; Blackie sees opportunity;
Jacoby reveals important info under hypnosis.

11. Ben's request to save Audrey's life stymies Cooper; Donna
goes to another picnic; Josie's cousin arrives from Hong Kong.

12. Cooper and Truman raid One-Eyed Jack's; Leland attends his
hearing; Donna and Maddy plot to steal Laura's diary; Ben gets
a mysterious visitor.

13. Shelly and Bobby prepare for Leo's homecoming; Gordon Cole
visits Cooper; Josie strikes a deal; the one-armed man talks
about "Bob".

14. Laura's killer is revealed; money woes strain Bobby and
Shelly's relationship; Audrey confronts her father about
One-Eyed Jack's.

15. The one-armed man helps Cooper and Truman search for Bob;
Norma's mother and her new husband visit; Bobby decides to
blackmail Ben; Lucy comes home.

16. A piece of Laura's secret diary leads Cooper to her killer;
Catherine tricks Ben; Lucy, Andy, and Tremayne confront each
other over her pregnancy.

17. Cooper is investigated by the FBI; Nadine enrolls in high
school; Major Briggs and Cooper have a strange encounter in
the woods.

18. Nadine's feelings for Mike deepen; James helps a beautiful
blond; Catherine forces Josie to become her maid; Windom Earle
makes a move.

19. Cooper finds a clue; Andy and Tremayne are concerned
over Nicky's past; Bobby makes quick money; sports beckons
Nadine; Major Briggs returns.

20. Cooper and Truman set a trap for Renault; Andy and
Tremayne look into Nicky's past; an old love visits Ben;
Nadine rescues Ed.

21. Cooper confides Earle's tragic history to Truman;
Audrey makes a deal with Bobby; Leo comes out of it;
Josie's old lover Thomas Eckhardt appears.

22. Cooper learns who shot him; Donna tries to save James;
Nadine interrupts Ed and Norma; Catherine uses Josie to
lure Eckhardt.

23. Cooper pleads with Josie for truth; Ben changes his
mind; Ed proposes to Norma; James and Donna part; Audrey
meets a mate.

24. Cooper eyes a reclusive beauty; Truman agonizes over
Josie; Donna gets a macabre visitor; Audrey falls in love;
Ben hosts an environmental benefit.

25. Cooper and the sheriff's department go spelunking;
Truman awakens in a naked woman's arms; Windom Earle checks
out potential victims.

26. Cooper and Truman tackle the hieroglyph; the Miss Twin
Peaks contest attracts competitors; Tremayne holds a wine
tasting; Gordon falls for Shelley.

27. Truman and Cooper pursue the Owl Cave mystery; Earle
takes another prisoner; Donna makes a discovery; Wheeler
leaves suddenly.

28. Major Briggs escapes from Earle; Catherine battles with
the black box; Lucy chooses the father of her baby; Earle
interrupts the contest.

29. Truman and Cooper try to head off Windom Earle; Donna
wants the truth; Audrey, Andrew and Pete all head to the
bank; Cooper enters the Black Lodge.


Some standard USENET acronyms

ASAP As Soon As Possible
BTW By The Way
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (a list of answers)
FWIW For What It's Worth
IIRC If I Remember/Recall Correctly
IMO In My Opinion
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IRL In Real Life
IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean
LOL Laughing out loud
Lurking Reading posts, but not posting
NG Newsgroup
OTOH On The Other Hand
ROTFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off
TTFN Ta Ta (or That�s That) For Now

Here is a page where you can look up other acronyms


Some Twin Peaks and alt.tv.twin-peaks acronyms

ATTP alt.tv.twin-peaks
BL Black Lodge
DFC Damn fine coffee
DL David Lynch
FWWM Fire Walk With Me (the prequel TP movie)
HST Harry S. Truman (the Sheriff)
ITL Invitation To Love (soap opera spoof)
LMFAP Little Man From Another Place (the dwarf in the Red Room)
LPFOP Little People From Other Places�
Lurker A person reading posts but not posting
MF Mark Frost
MIB Men in black (Mysterious, unidentified men in black)
Newbie A person new to the newsgroup and/or Twin Peaks
PW Pine Weasel
SDC Senor Droolcup (the old waiter at the Great Northern)
TMFAP The Man From Another Place (same as above two)
TP Twin Peaks
TPHS Twin Peaks High School
WDJMEOASC Why Doesn't James Marshall Embark On A Singing Career?
WE Windom Earle
WKLP Who killed Laura Palmer?
WL White Lodge
WR Waiting Room


Twin Peaks Sites

The Complete Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks Online - the Twin Peaks FAQ

Mike Dunns Black Lodge

Twin Peaks at the IMDb

DejaNews - a place where you can read ATTP online.


(c) Reznik 1998

An IOSI website



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Those stated otherwise are credited to the source of acquiry, or creator (if known), and are
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If you wish to receive credit for images used, and/or wish them to be removed contact me.
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